Hello! I’m Johannes Kaufmann, a Product Engineer in Berlin, Germany.
I’m currently working at the fintech Bling as a Senior Backend Engineer.
I started my journey by making simple websites. Building little projects with MeteorJS and ReactJS back in 2015 was incredible.
Over time, I picked up new technologies — nowadays mainly working with Golang & PostgreSQL on the Backend and ReactJS & TailwindCSS on the Frontend.
I later studied Software Engineering at the CODE University in Berlin—focusing on interdisciplinary skills—taking on roles as a Developer, UI/UX Designer and Product Manager. In 2022, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Thesis about “Participatory Design.”
- Web: React, Redux, Typescript, GraphQL, PWA, TailwindCSS, Sass, KonvaJS
- Backend: Golang, NodeJS, AWS, (g)RPG, Docker, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Redis, ArrangoDB
- Mobile: React Native, Flutter
Side Projects
- html-to-markdown — Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules.
- auslagenerstattung-vorlage — Simplify the reimbursement of expenses. Fill in the information & upload the receipts. Voilà the PDF is finished!
Work Experience
Development and maintenance of banking, investing, and telecommunications infrastructure.
- Senior Backend Developer Jan 2024 - Today
- Backend Developer Jul 2022 - Dec 2023
Maintained and developed the marketing page of a creative studio — a media-heavy Gatsby website.
- Freelancer 2021/2022
Markov Solutions
Developed a web app to label and annotate documents to train machine learning algorithms.
- Freelancer 2020/2021
Planned and conducted Code+Design Camps all over Germany. Responsible for financial planning and program management.
- Schatzmeister Jan 2020 - Dec 2020
- Working student Feb 2019 - Jan 2020
In my free time, I like to improve my French (Eh bien oui, je parle un peu le français) and like to go to the Arthouse cinema. I enjoy doing sports and play Floorball in the Berlin Broilers team.